My work is about illustrating the changing narrative of my relationship with the land and my body, it’s emotions conjured by the landscape and the diaristic collections I create of memories made in that space. These pieces are focused on the fantastical exaggerations of colours experienced in my imagination, by reading works of poetry, stories and folklore that are relevant to the land, sea or sky of where I currently am.
'Untitled-WIP' Oil on Linen
90 X 80cm
'Nanternis' Oil on Linen
100 X 80cm
Modern Painters: I. A Graham Sutherland

Three Finger of grey gorse curl
Over the crash of the sea, the boom
Of the grey sea on the low wall.
Three fingers crackle: the green
And oily sliding of the olive sea
Lurks in the shadows of sound: the thud
Of the thick speech of the sea,
The creep and cluster of the waves, the loom
Of its hushed pall on the sounding, sombre dark.

Voices of women calling to the watcher,
Shadow voices in the surrounding seaweed,
Drifting in echoes, glimpses of bright sound darting,
Haunt the inhuman, fashion these fingers of gorse.
- Laurence Lerner, 1959.
'Untitled' Oil on Paper
35 X 25cm
'She's The Lighthouse at Dusk Sea - WIP' Oil on Linen
70 X 62cm (Segments)

Ruby Lewis
'Untitled' Oil on Linen
20 x 20cm
Graphite on Paper
29.5 X 21cm
Graphite on Paper
29.5 x 21cm
Graphite on Paper
29.5 x 21cm
Inside of my Diary
'Ship Wreck' Graphite on Paper 30 x 20cm
'Thundering Drop' Graphite on Paper 30 x 20cm
'Her Praise' Graphite on Paper 30 x 20cm
'Morning Garden' Graphite on Paper 20 x 30cm
'She's The Lighthouse at Dusk Sea' Oil on Linen
70 X 62cm
Thundering Drop
There, a blue King wallows
Because of the fish.
- Haiku From my Diary
She stands there later,
Watching waves crash and break,
No light, no light - none.
- Haiku From my Diary
Ocean waves,
The rhythmic beat of the water as it turns in on itself -
Hitting the pebbles.
Seagulls overhead,
Birdsong sharp and far from sweet.
- From my Diary
The stones underneath,
Devoured by the rocks,
shades of blue - fading.
- From my Diary